Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ruby on Rails Reboot

New Plan of action

This blog has been on break for the past 6 months.

Starting afresh now.

Here is the new plan

Following the Rick A Rubio Plan

I bought the following Course:
I saved 75% off using the following Coupon Code: Udemy 75%off .

My new plan of action:

  1. Read Tick A Rubio's Blog Posts
  2. Read Josh Kemp's Book: No Degree, No Problem
  3. Read Josh Kemps Blog
  4. Read through Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Here is the path I will take: (all these are free resources except for the Udemy course)
  1. Try Ruby (starting point as recommended by Michael Hartl)
  2. Ruby Monk (Just going to go through the Ruby Primer again)
  3. Learn to Program by Chris Pine
  4. Rails for Zombies
  5. Udemy – Getting Started with Ruby on Rails by Prof. Paul Krause
  6. Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl