Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to work, B

So I have not done anything rails related for the past 3 days.
My trial week ends soon.
So my plan now is to finish watching the tutorial today (a holiday) while simultaneously going through the Michael Hartl tutorial. My goal is to finish the rails tutorial this week.

I spoke with a friend on the phone today. He told me that he has been learning rails too and is on chapter 10 of the ruby on Rails tutorial (http://ruby.railstutorial.org/). He was contacted by the same local guy who was looking for developers. He decided to learn Ruby and try to work for this guy soon. He said that its hard to work on your own so we decided to work together on this. I'll try to catch him up and then we will work together. There are a lot of opportunities both locally and online so we are going for it.

He suggested setting up ubuntu and doing a dual boot setup.

I could go the edx virtual box route too.
so my plan today is to set up the Oracle virtual box with Ubuntu and if thats not good enough then I will dual boot with ubuntu.

Set up rails in there and I'm good to go.

I'm also going through the lynda tutorials and the michael hartl tutorial.
aim is at least 3 - 6 hours today.

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