Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Resources for Future Reference

Find Work Online
Dice.com Post resume with List of jobs/projects/ Sample Apps
Stack Overflow Careers

How to get a Junior Dev Job
Jay Lee
Joshua Kemp
Reddit AMA
Nico Schuele
Code Mentor

Learning Resources
Reddit Rails
Reddit Ruby
RailsGirls Guides
Ruby Learning on Trello

Learn to Program

Learning Advanced Javascript

Start. Stop. Start Again

So I am kind of hot and cold with this online learning thing.

I've decided to get quite serious about it now.

I want a junior dev job paying a six figure salary. I want to do freelance ruby on Rails work.

New Plan of action

Learn Rails
Project Odin

Learn Ruby
Ruby How to Program

Learn Javascript
Eloquent Javascript

Learn JQuery
Try Jquery

Learn Angular

Take on Projects at CodeCloud and FreeCodeCamp.
Contribute to fixing bugs on FreeCodeCamp. Contribute to fixing bugs on other open source projects.
Start bidding for freelance jobs. Put resume on Dice.com to get recruiters looking for jobs. Update LinkedIn. Get to work .

Follow this advice:

Follow Josh Kemps plan.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


So this Journey has been going on for close to 2 years.
We're going to get it done this time.
Here is the new action Plan.

  1. I will read through the Learn Rails Book: Learn Rails
  2. I will then Work the examples from that book
  3. I will read through The Rails Tutorial Book and then work the examples
  4. I will Learn Ruby through RubyMonk, Codeacademy and Ruby the hard Way
  5. Build several Sample Apps
  6. Supplement this with copious reading of Stack exchange, Medium and Quora on Rails
  7. Do Flatiron School Prework
  8. Do some real world applications

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ruby on Rails Reboot

New Plan of action

This blog has been on break for the past 6 months.

Starting afresh now.

Here is the new plan

Following the Rick A Rubio Plan

I bought the following Course:
I saved 75% off using the following Coupon Code: Udemy 75%off .

My new plan of action:

  1. Read Tick A Rubio's Blog Posts
  2. Read Josh Kemp's Book: No Degree, No Problem
  3. Read Josh Kemps Blog
  4. Read through Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Here is the path I will take: (all these are free resources except for the Udemy course)
  1. Try Ruby (starting point as recommended by Michael Hartl)
  2. Ruby Monk (Just going to go through the Ruby Primer again)
  3. Learn to Program by Chris Pine
  4. Rails for Zombies
  5. Udemy – Getting Started with Ruby on Rails by Prof. Paul Krause
  6. Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Update and Plan of Action

1. Watched the videos for Owning Rails Masterclass. Got a good basic understanding of the background to Rails. Got massive help by understanding Ruby Design Patterns.

2. Signed up for New Relic and deployed a rails app. So I should get a free 3 months membership to Code School. Should come in very handy.

More information is available here:

3. This ebook is perfect for Rails beginners. It certainly helped me learn the basics of Rails and understand the foundations. Learn Rails

Action Plan

  1. Finish Reading the Learn Rails ebook.
  2. Read Jump Start Rails
  3. Finish Ruby On Rails Tutorial
  4. Go through Testing And Starter Apps on Rails Apps
  5. Learn TDD And BDD
  6. Write Sample Apps
  7. Do skills assessment on freelance sites
  8. Bid for jobs

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stay Calm and Hurry Back

Sorry for the brief hiatus from blogging.

Life got in the way.

I didn't stop learning rails just didn't get here to tell you what's happening.

So here is what I have been up to.

I went to the end of chapter 3 of the Rails tutorial.

I realized that I was just going through the exercises but I wasn't exactly learning or understanding what I was doing. I realized that I needed to understand rails so that I can develop on it. I need more information on the background to rails.

I did some research on the design patterns behind rails and I'm now going through agile web development with Ruby on rails. After this I will be going through the Rails Way.

On Saturday I will be going through a marathon tutorial session with my learning partner Dru.
We will be going through the videos to the owning Rails Class.

Hopefully by then I would have completed the Agile Web Development book and going through more of the rails tutorial.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Long days

So I set out today hoping to go through and finish the Lynda tutorial and then get started on the Michael Hartl tutorial.

However that never happened. As I mentioned before, I spoke with a friend today who was also learning rails. I mentioned that I couldn't get rails installed on windows and was using cloud based IDE's and cloud development servers. He suggested that I should look into ubuntu. He doesn't even dual boot, but only runs ubuntu on his laptop. I'm not so extreme and was considering a dual boot. However after reading the pros and cons, I decided against it and made up my mind to run ubuntu in a VirtualBox.

The EDx course recommended Oracle's virtualBox and they provided an Ubuntu image. I set it up, it took a couple hours but it was working well. After further observation, I founbd out that the version of rails and ruby they had was outdated. I tried to update it, but it said I wasnt root. I thought they gave me cripple ware, so I spent the next several hours downloading and configuring a fresh install of Ubuntu on VirtualBox. I only l;ater found out about sudo. LOL. So I'm now in the process of installing ruby and rails on this virtualBox. Its taking a while but i'm getting the hang of ubuntu and the command line. its kinda fun. So even though I spent several hours working on this , more like 9 hours, I'm very excited!

My next stop is just to go through the Michael Hartl Tutorial and try to finish quickly so I can catch up with Dru. I'm not too sure if I'll watch the rest of the Lynda titorials anyways. So we will see.

Over and Out!